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Solution to the noise problem of cone crusher

Time:2022-07-27 Author:Zhongxin Back to list

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The noise of cone crusher is relatively loud, so if there is noise, it will be ignored. This requires our staff to pay more attention on a daily basis to prevent the noise problem from causing irreparable damage to the cone crusher. Let's take a look at which ones The reason is the noise problem of the equipment.
cone crusher
1. The matching clearance of the main components of the equipment. The matching clearance between the main shaft and the cone bushing of the cone crusher is more complicated than that of the general sliding bearing. If it is not appropriate, there will be noise, and it is easy to heat up, which will affect the operation of the equipment. The other is the gap between the eccentric bushing and the frame bushing, which is also required to be large, but if it is too large, it will increase the load and cause noise. Therefore, the matching clearance of key components must be set according to the requirements.
2. Motion analysis of equipment. During the operation of the cone crusher, inertial force will be generated, causing shock vibration and noise. Generally, it is balanced by adding a counterweight to the large gear to reduce shock vibration and reduce noise at the level of hard *. However, when choosing the balance weight, try to keep it as small as possible, otherwise it will affect the normal work of the crusher.
3. The machining accuracy of the parts is not high. The design and processing of the parts of the cone crusher are unqualified, or the precision is not high, resulting in poor overall quality of the parts. It is conceivable that the installation on the equipment will affect the overall operation of the equipment, and the parts will continue to be affected by the repeated impact. friction, so that the noise of the device cannot be fundamentally eliminated. In general, if the internal cause is not eliminated, the noise will continue to exist.

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