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The characteristics and working principle of ore circular vibrating screen

Time:2020-07-03 Author:Zhongxin Back to list

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Ore circular vibrating screen is to divide various raw materials (such as ore, coal, stone, etc.) and various primary products (such as cement, table salt, monosodium glutamate, etc.) into several levels according to the particle size of the material, or to divide the water and impurities Wait for the removal to carry out the next processing and improve the production quality of the production equipment. So what are the characteristics and working principles of the ore circular vibrating screen?

According to the structure and working principle of the ore circular vibrating screen, it can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1. The working part of the fixed screen is fixed, and the material is screened by sliding the material along the working surface. The ore circular vibrating screen is one of the more applications in the beneficiation plant, generally used for pre-screening before coarse crushing or medium crushing. It has a simple structure and is easy to manufacture. Without power consumption, the ore can be directly discharged onto the screen surface.

2. The plane motion sieve body swings or vibrates in a plane. According to its plane motion trajectory, it is divided into linear motion, circular motion, elliptical motion and complex motion. Shakers and shakers belong to this category.

3. The working part of the ore circular vibrating screen is cylindrical, and the entire screen rotates around the axis of the cylinder, and the axis is generally installed at a small inclination. Materials are fed from one end of the cylinder, fine-grade materials are passed through the screen holes of the cylindrical working surface, and coarse-grained materials are discharged from the other end of the cylinder.

4. The rotating speed of the ore circular vibrating screen is very low, the work is stable and the power balance is good.

5. The working surface of the ore circular vibrating screen is composed of horizontally arranged rolling shafts. There are plates on the shaft, and fine-grained materials pass through the gap between the rollers or the plates. The bulk material is moved to one end by the roller and discharged from the end.

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